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Writer's pictureSteffi Reuter

Exercise tips in stressful times

Updated: May 3, 2021

Keep the body moving is my Mantra.

But currently we are staying home a lot. That can make us feel sluggish, tired and stressed out. A regular Exercise routine increases heart health, keeps the body flexible and strong, energizes and provides the body with additional oxygen that is needed for every cell function.

So how to keep up or establish an exercise routine that actually works for you?

Remember there is no wrong or right way to exercise. The choices are highly bio-individual. Everybody is different and benefits most from an individualized training plan. You must find what you like. It's more sustainable to keep it up over the long haul.

  • Tip: If you combine exercise with something else that nurtures you, the impact on your physical and emotional health increases.

For example, we also need social connections and fresh air.

When combining a walk outside with a friend or neighbor you’ll benefit even more! Running or riding the bike in the fresh air are good options, too. Choose what you like.

  • Tip: Figure out what motivates you and makes you feel good at the end. Do you like running after a ball or do you prefer swimming laps? Do you like music/dance during a workout? Do you like yoga or fitness classes? When you find what resonates with you, you're more likely to keep the habit up.

  • Tip: A couple of years ago I decided that I don't want to grow old quickly in my body regarding how it is moving. Even though it's said that the bones become stiffer and muscle mass decreases, I tell you, that I am more flexible and stronger than 20 years ago! How is that possible? I knew I can dedicate 20min first thing of the day to my goal. I picture how I wanted to accomplish it and what I need. I wanted it to be convenient from my home. So I searched for an online teacher and program. And since ever then I do 20 min of yoga/pilates/ fitness mix every single morning. It became part of my routine, the same as washing myself or brushing my teeth is part of my morning. I do not have to think about whether or not to get out of bed doing the exercises. It's clear, I know why I am doing what I am doing and everything is set up to get started in the morning. I believe I can stay as flexible and strong as I am now for the next 20 years!

  • Since it benefitted me so much, I'd like to make it possible for other people, too. As an exercise expert and Pilates Instructor, I am qualified to work with my clients to increase their fitness and love their bodies. What I like to do with my clients is exercising on zoom: In a private atmosphere, the program is individualized and set up to serve the people most. Direct feedback is possible. We save time since there is no need to travel to a gym or studio. The shared laughter and sweat give us a sense of connection. Best to me, I can teach people all over the world! In my program, I love to implement movements from Pilates, some variation of HIIT and Yoga, or free dancing and stretching for cooling down. It makes the Workout highly effective and versatile. How I set up a class depends on the client, is she a new mom, or does she seat all day in front of a screen, or do I have a senior adult? When I create a specific program, I start to feel like the person I want to serve. This ensures high quality, so the client can benefit most. Read here how working out that way transformed my clients

  • Tip: Whatever form of movement you prefer, I suggest scheduling it in your day. Like you’d schedule an appointment or meeting. That’s the only way you do it. If it’s in the schedule, it's a priority for you. When you prioritize it, you can make the time for it. And then make it happen.

  • Let me know: What are your favorite ways to move? Leave a comment, it may inspire others!


Suzanna Diebes
Suzanna Diebes
Feb 23, 2021

Going for long walks on the beach! Great tips here 😊


Feb 14, 2021

sehr guter Text, welcher mich inspiriert! Ich sehe es auch so, dass es am Besten ist, wenn das Training (egal welches und wieviel davon) fest eingeplant wird - auf der anderen Seite möchte ich meinen Alltag als Pensionierter nicht mehr ständig verplanen; diese Balance bzw. das richtige Mass bin ich noch am Suchen...aber es kommt schon :-)


Feb 12, 2021

Hey Wow..Danke!my favorite way to move isch glaub spaziere, wenn ig mi müesst entscheide! Früschi Luft, D Möglichkeit zum Plöiderlä oder fürs Gebät..

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