Living in the Pacific Northwest of the Unites States we find an abundance of wild blackberry bushes wherever we walk. In August, it’s the time when they start ripening and getting really sweet and yummy.
We picked a few then and there and decided to go to the nearby woods for picking an entire morning.
Wearing long, thick clothes is key. Also shoes that close up above your ankle is recommended. Remember the branches of the black berry plants are very thorny.
We also packed mostly flat containers to store the picked berries. Make sure you only pick berries you know! You can check online what berries or plants grow wild in your area.
The experience is great to pick berries near the woods on an peaceful, early morning. Ages before grocery store chains were developed, going into the wild was the way people were getting their fruits and other food. Somehow we felt pulled back into those ages.
The best thing we had a snack ready with us!
The nutritious benefits of berries in general are tremendous. Berries contain a big amount of Vitamin C in each and every berry, they are high in fiber, which we normally don’t get enough in our diet. Even though they are sweet, they won’t spike your blood sugar level high, they are low in Glycemic Index.
We collected a couple of containers full with fresh, sweet berries. Don’t you have difficulties finding sweet, ripe black berries in your store? I only find sour ones for a high prize.
The prize is another benefit, with the berries not having to travel long distances and eating them right when they are in season.
The smoothies we made tasted great! We added Berries, two bananas and water! Also in the Swiss style Muesli they were fabulous.
Wow, da bekomme ich gerade Appetit auf diese Brombeeren - schade kann ich sie in diesem Jahr nicht probieren kommen...:-(
Das erinnert mich daran, dass wir mit meiner Grossmutter vor weit über 50 Jahren auch einmal im Wald Himbeeren gepflückt habe; diese schmeckten grossartig:-)
Jenny und Lenya machen das super - und Jenny trägt den Mariners Cap vom Kids Cap Day 2018; eine schöne Erinnerung!
Ich wünsche euch "e Guete" beim Essen der feinen Beeren!
Kisses Grosspapi
ooooh mega lecker!und ein Abenteuer zugleich!!great!
kisses Nathi