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Writer's pictureSteffi Reuter

Prioritize to Play – for more Fun and Joy in your life

Updated: Aug 25, 2020

We all have observed a child or even a pet completely absorb in playing: enjoying themselves, immersed into the present moment, not thinking about anything else than playing, forget the world around them. Effortlessly they play, creative and full of energy.

Can you remember a special moment like that as a child?

On the way while growing up, playing becomes less and less important. We might even forget about it, even though we know how much fun it is to play! This is sad, since somewhere in our hearts we stay children, don't we?

I’d like to share with you some fun experiences with playing and different ways to play.

You can play outside in an organized game, unorganized game in or outside, card or board games, playing Lego and more.

I prefer the outside game. For example we play soccer maybe with an additional friend, we play badminton, volleyball, or just recently played a “Monkey in the middle” game forever.

In the beginning I usually think about what to cook for dinner, what time we should go back home, maybe I already feel tired and would like to look from the outside and more. Then after the first 10-15min a shift happens inside. And this happens every time I continue to play:

I become one with the game we play, have endless energy, there is no time to go home for dinner and I can’t stop smiling. It’s completely enjoyable. It’s physical activity, it’s outside in Nature, it’s playing with loved ones. It’s a vacation from thinking and stress. It’s an oasis for relaxation. It’s being a child again.

Since we all need to reduce stress and add more relaxation into our lives, try to prioritize playing.

You can organize a game night from time to time or go outside and find a game you like. Be creative, even playing hide and seek or tag is fun, ping pong or tennis, playing with a pet, kayaking together, walking mindfully. The key is to keep playing until you reach the state of endless play in your mind and heart, until you feel like child again.

Your mind and body will relax and refresh.

What kind of play do you like most? Can you find time 1x or more per week to play?


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Aug 14, 2020

Nice post mom!


Aug 10, 2020

Nice job, Mom!



Aug 10, 2020

Danke Steffi, sehr guter Text:-)

Ich kann dem voll und ganz beipflichten; in meiner Jugenzeit habe ich immer gesagt: "gebt mir einen Ball und ich bin glücklich!" Und ich bevorzuge auch heute noch Spiele und Aktivitäten im Freien, das finde ich viel schöner!

Kisses DAD


Aug 10, 2020

wow!!das isch sooo wohr!!und richtig töif!!

für mi isch playing au dusse ir Natur si und Gott danke für die wunderschöne Wärk...dert verhiss ig au Ruum und Zyt...

Thanks für dini Inspiration!!

Love you



Mariana Munteanu
Mariana Munteanu
Aug 10, 2020

Nice piece of writing Steffi😍🌻

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