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Quick Salmon Veggie pan

When you are reading our blog you are most likely aware of your health and making good choices regarding your diet (or most of the time;-)

Also, you might be one of the person who is active in the world and doesn't have time to stand in the kitchen for hours.

I took the stay-at home time during the last month to create healthy, nourishing AND quick to prepare meals. They are ready to eat in 30 min or less, and only a few dishes are involved to clean up afterwards ;-). I personally like it when the kitchen is not in a mess after cooking.

For the quick salmon veggie pan you only have to cut potatoes and zucchinis in pieces and put everything with the salmon on top in the oven for 18min. There is only one oven form, cutting board and knife to clean afterwards! :-)


- piece of wild caught salmon or other wild caught fish

- 4 medium sized potatoes

-2 zucchinis

- Olive oil

- Rosemary or dill to season

- slice of lemon


- Preheat oven to 380 degree Fahrenheit

-cut the zucchinis into thin slices

- cut the potatoes into cubes (no need to peel the potatoes unless you prefer to)

- put them together in a oven form

- sprinkle olive oil over the Veggies and mix everything

- on top of the veggie mix put the raw salmon or piece of fish

- put the form with fish and veggies in the oven and roast for about 18 minutes or until the fish is cooked.

- take it out of the oven, sprinkle with lemon juice add spices if you desire. Serve!

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