Yesterday I saw a spider in the sink. I was scared! But then it was soon drowning so I acted fast! I took a paper towel and rescued it! It was crawling in the towel so I opened the door and let it go! Then I thought I should not be afraid of spiders anymore! So the next time I see a spider I will rescue it. Because it’s not scary anymore actually not scary at all! Now I sort of like them. Even if they are close to me!
· If you are scared of a spider you should be brave and rescue it!
· If you have a ton of mosquitos in your house, the spider will eat them!
· Or else if you want them to eat mosquitos then leave them where they are or with a paper towel put it outside away from your house!
By: Lenya
Wow Lenya!great job!Wenn die Spinne gross und schwarz ist dann habe ich soooo Angst....hihi!Kisses Nathi